LV bag M13078

SKU: LV-b12

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All products are AAAAA grade 1:1 replicas


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You might have been put off by low quality designer replica in the past and you might have good reason to be wary of designer replicas. But good quality designer replicas are crafted with as much perfection as the original ones.

It can be really awkward to be spotted by a low quality duplicate. But we, are proud to state that a lot of time and effort goes into manufacturing our designer fake. We take extra care and caution to mirror the originals and it is not easy to reconstruct an identical copy that looks and feels like the original but it is not impossible. Everyone will be stunned by your designer replica because unless you yourself reveal the facts no one will be able to identify it as an imposter.

Reseller program

Most original designer luxury goods are too expensive and unaffordable for most people in the world. But a quality designer discount knockoff can save people the pain of a hefty bill while still allowing them to enjoy the pleasure of owning a quality luxury product. So we are looking for dealers all over the world, and we will provide dealers with a full range of product catalogs and preferential dealer prices.

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This Alma BB bag exudes the cheerful style of the collaboration, subtly recalling the Art Deco design of the 1930s. Monogram coated canvas renders the humor of Murakami’s paintings
The Toron handle, base, detachable shoulder strap and key bag incorporate classic cow leather elements.
Dimensions: 23.5×17.5x 11.5cm

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